This past Saturday (May 9), we had our 3rd Mock Disaster Exercise (let's call it the MDE). Afterwards, Chris M. talked to us a little bit and shared something that really warmed my heart.
May 2 had been the MDE at Traders Points and Chris M. and Dick R. from 2nd Pres. had dropped to see what exactly their church had gotten themselves into. Traders Point did a really good job, and I think Chris and Dick were able to take a lot back home with them. Well, to return the favor, Greg K. from Traders Point came and observed 2nd Pres' MDE and was able to see how their team had organized and what Traders Point could do to better prepare their team.
Chris M. told us that she and Greg had been able to talk and share about their experiences and their teams. They even realized that if 2nd Pres' team ever needed help (during an emergency), that Traders Point's team could come out and vice versa!
This is exactly the dream that I have for our FBCI program: our partners coming together and working not only with the Red Cross, but with each other. It really warmed my heart to see 2 of our partners learn from each other and talk with each other and share ideas. Now, they not only have access to the ideas and ingenuity of their Action Team, but also that of a whole other Action Team!
FBCI partners: I encourage you to realize you are not alone! There is a whole network of organizations that have gone through training and are organizing their teams and have great ideas! Perhaps, like Traders Point and 2nd Pres., you'll find that other FBCI partners are willing to be there for you in a time of need and have a wealth of resources (their Action Team or otherwise) to share.
Hacks For Sailing Roblox
3 years ago
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